0333 577 6670

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Who is Sheryne?

A Londoner born and raised, I have enjoyed living and working in Buckingham for the last five years after a sojourn in Milton Keynes. I’m Mama to two amazing little humans, Phoenix Jai 8, a budding mathematician who is addicted to Roblox, and Támesis 7, my mini me who sings, dances, loves performing onstage and practices her times tables in her spare time. In the rare hours I am not working you can find me ferrying kids to clubs, practising yoga, or running around the town (literally!), 10k is my distance of choice, but I usually add half marathon or two in for good measure! If you are at parkrun on Saturday, be sure to give me a wave, if I am not running, I’ll likely be volunteering.


Who are Sheryne SR?

We are a Business Support Agency with over 20 years’ direct experience in numerous business sectors from engineering to social care, big corporates to one (wo)man bands. Ultimately, we are passionate about making a difference to business owners and our love of processes, organisation, and all things numerical has led us to where we are today.


So why are you passionate about payroll?

Over the years we saw opportunities to improve procedures, simplify systems and give our clients added value at the same time. Payroll is part HR and part accounting, being experienced in both of these areas allows us to bring our talents to the table in a way that has a big impact on our clients’ business efficiencies.

We have seen many businesses over the years struggle with poor payroll software, spotty communication with their accounts and the resulting payroll errors, disgruntled staff and HMRC penalties. After spending hours resolving these issues for our clients, we decided to bring it in house add payroll to our extensive list of services.


What makes Sheryne SR different?

We are a small business, it’s me and one employee working behind the scenes here, but unlike most other companies we personally take the time to really get to know our clients, their businesses, and their staff. We understand how they work and how that effects the payrolls they run. A lot of our clients are service based and have full time, part time and contract staff with or without CIS, pension or other schemes attached. We work with them to create a payroll solution that best suits the needs of their business.

The great thing is, if Natalie is off sick again, we’ll check in with you about your employment contract, sickness absence policy and whether you need any support managing the situation. This is above and beyond most payroll bureau services, but we do like to go the extra mile.


What is the one piece of advice you would give to any business owner?

Payroll is far more important than most business owners realise. A lot of sole director owned businesses don’t have a PAYE scheme set up as they don’t expect to be able to pay themselves a salary when they first get started. When in fact it should be considered over and above drawing down dividends. Making a salary payment that is sufficient to cover the National Insurance Contributions Lower Earnings Limit (LEL) ensures you maintain the advantages of making NI contributions, such as state pension and various benefits, but without the need to actually make NI payments.


What would be your final message

Whilst payroll is not the most exciting job out there for many, the intricacies, the often convoluted and contradictory nature of it, means it is always interesting and every time we at Sheryne SR solve a problem it’s like winning a little battle, and it’s all about the win with us, whether it’s ours or yours!


We would be only too happy to arrange a FREE no obligation Discovery Call to discuss how we can support you in your business and take you to the next level.


Sheryne xx

This post was originally published in Community Contact Magazine Nov-Dec 2022, the latest issues of which can be found here

Magazines – Community Contact Magazine

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