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The Peace Lilly is most definitely the drama queen of plant kingdom, but I should probably give you a bit more context before I storm headfirst into the subject matter. I guess this came about at the end of 2020, so here goes…


To Begin…

For all who know me, and if you are receiving this missive, I can only assume you know me in some capacity or other, you’ll know that I have been blessed with two wonderful children, a boy and a girl who are as different as chalk and cheese as they say. At the end of last year I sat down with both children and asked them what they had thought of the year and what they would like to be different for the coming year. It is not so long ago (ahem) that I was a child myself and I don’t recall ever being asked such a question, and let’s face it, parenting is simply an experiment conducted over a lifetime (the children’s, not mine thankfully) so anything goes right? PJ was not at all inclined to indulge me, but Támesis loved the idea and soon started planning for things she wanted to accomplish this year, see photo…

And So It Starts…

If I am completely honest with myself, I focussed on the things on her list that were easy for me (always good to go for quick wins when facing overwhelm! 😉) and we made soups, baked cookies and cupcakes and she learnt how to read recipes and measure ingredients, so home schooling bonus points there too! 🙌🏽 A couple of months into 2021 and a note came with my Tropic delivery about plants and the affect they can have on your mood. After six months of suffering with post-concussion syndrome symptoms such as migraines, mood swings, depression, exhaustion amongst others I quite liked the idea of having a plant or two to cheer me up and decided to buy all the plants pictured on the note, bonus points to me for giving Támi a pot or two to water as well; multi-tasking is definitely a way of life here!  💪🏽 I have to confess; I am about as green fingered as a vat of arsenic. Considering I was brought up in a Caribbean family where every room was filled with foliage, thank you Granny! It’s amazing that other than the few succulents and cacti that have survived my ministrations, my home is completely barren of plant life.


The Shopping!

On my first visit to the garden centre, I had done some research online and added a few extra plants to the list, but once in the store I soon realised that I wanted plants that were different, ones that stood out, didn’t follow the rules, and made a statement. My rubber plant has pink stems and two-toned leaves, my Chinese money plant has circular leaves that turn to the sun, my false shamrock is edible and has purple leaves that open and close with the sun (there is a word for that, Támi drew up a fact sheet for it so she’ll know). These are living, breathing creatures that are a part of my home now and they do make me happier to see them, but do I have 2.5 clues on how to look after them? Do I heck! But I do have an app for that, in fact I have two (a girl always needs options…) but I have found my rhythm with Planta. This app that tells me when to water, feed, fertilise and reminds me to take photos regularly to note their growth progress. 

But, darn it, that peace lily is the biggest drama queen ever! She goes all floppy and the stems literally ‘swoon’ when I’ve missed a watering! I don’t think I have one progress photo of them standing upright! Maybe it’s a call out for help, or simply a shout for attention, but it works and when she’s in an overly dramatic mood I do stop what I am doing and water her, so the drama does keep her alive!

And Now…

So, we are now at the halfway point and my 2021 started out with a project that needed completing. I spent the first three months procrastinating, until the right stimulus pushed me to progressing the project. We all do this it is completely natural to put off something that puts us outside of our comfort zone. I’m happy to admit that the thought of slowly killing off each plant one by one filled me with dread, but I asked for help, well I Googled for help, and found a tool that helped me to keep my plants alive. Why don’t you let me be that tool for you? What project have you put aside this year that you need help with? How can I help you tick that one annoying item you dare not touch off your list? Reach out, I am genuinely here to help, and I do love a challenge so throw your worst at me!


For those of you who are wondering what is under that last sticker, it says “be good to the cat”. Yes, she definitely needs to do that, but that is a story for another day!


Take care, stay safe and why not try singing to a plant!



Sheryne xx


P.S. No Peace Lily’s were harmed in the making of this missive…

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